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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

After School Routines and a Homework Station

I posted a photo on Instagram last week of my middle school guy working on his homework.  My friend commented, "Middle School ain't no joke" and she couldn't be more right!  I'm thankful to say that we are in a better grove as we move further into the school year and I wanted to share what is helpful to us, especially when dealing with ADHD, medications, routines and distraction.

Simple Homework Station Catered to the Distracted Child:
K.I.S.S.- Keep it simple, sister. The less there is to distract, the better.  A wide work space also seems to help.

  • pencils & sharpener
  • desk light (remove this if it become a fixation)
  • stapler & three-hole-punch
  • binder, paper and study material
  • student dictionary
  • water
That is seriously it. 

The load of homework is significantly more than he was used to and so it has been an adjustment for both of us.  I'm so grateful that Mr. Wonderful steps in to assist when my patience begins to dissipate.

What helps us the most is a routine: We take a short "Brain Break" after school then start working before dinner, one subject at a time.  When I was young, I was challenged to tackle the most difficult item first.  But with my young man, I find greater success ticking off a few of the easier items first.  Then, with a sense of accomplishment, he faces the hard stuff.

Because my children move between two homes and I co-parent with their dad, it has been vital to have accountability in both locations.  Similar expectations and communication are necessary in both homes.  Dad and me communicate regularly about homework, trends we see and skills which need work.

I shared our summer Screen Time Considerations and soon I will share how we have shifted things for the school year.  We're still working out a few tweaks, so I want to be realistic.  Below are some more ideas about homework.  Do you have methods to make things smooth?

Study Skills for Middle School lays the foundation for learning into the future.

I like this gal's plan, even though her children are younger than mine.

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