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Monday, June 25, 2012

Moody Monday: The Hard Part

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source: Starbucks Blueberry Muffin
After waking with a terrible headache this morning, I am feeling much better after ibuprofen, coffee and a blueberry muffin.  I love blueberry muffins.  Life is feeling pretty great right now.  It's not perfect and I have struggles, but the overall sense of being is very positive these days.

My children are at delightful ages and this season is one where I am seeing fruit from hard work in previous days.  I'm very much in love with Mr. Wonderful and enjoying this time of reciprocated emotion.  I'm happy.

Sometimes I feel like I'm operating in two parallel worlds.  They do cross and intersect, but I have a longing for more integration.  I'm not sure what that looks like or even what it means. 

At the same time, I understand that the more combined our lives may become, the more susceptible I become to loss.  It still feels risky to depend and want so much.  So this is the hard part: I sense a need to be even more vulnerable, but that feels scary.  I will extend greater trust and believe the best.

What are you believing the best for this week?


  1. Good for you!! Just put your trust in the Lord and He will steer your path. I am really glad for you and this page in your life story. So exciting!!

    Praying for you!


  2. Life is full of risks and one has to take risks to claim that s/he has LIVED. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable requires strength and from what I have been reading in your blog you are a strong person! Stay happy and strong!

    P.S. I LOVE blueberry muffins, too!!!

  3. Thank you, Cindy - It's daily progress to remain dependent on our Lord.

  4. Vickilicious - I'm really not strong, just determined to move forward in life. Too bad we can't have muffins together!
