With my children
- Less TV, even if that means more screentime elsewhere (I'm okay with that)
- Look for ways to draw out their strengths
- Say "Yes" whenever possible
- Do something grand for a 10th birthday boy!
- Help them connect with friends
Reaching out to others
- Schedule something fun with friends monthly, this can be lunch or a movie or shopping!
- Invite people to our home three times this year - intimidating for me since I still don't feel full ownership of this space.
- Say hi to neighbors and invite the friends of my children over
- Stay engaged at church and wherever opportunities arise to connect with others.
Toward my husband
- Communicate love and commitment in HIS love language (Touch & Words). I will do this by letting the laundry pile up a bit and spend time daily just holding him, sitting together, rubbing his feet, stroking his hair, whatever comforts him for a few minutes. I will speak highly of him and thank him verbally for all the ways he improves my life. I will train our children to honor the sacrifices and commitments he makes to our family.
- Plan a surprise - can't say too much!
- Speak my needs so that he has the opportunity to clearly meet them! Be real about what's going on inside.
- Make sure he knows I find him wonderful and attractive and that I think he's the best gift God ever gave me!
- Leave notes/messages/cookies where he can find them.
- Let him relax, enjoy his interests and coaching without guilt from me.
As a family
- Continue family mealtimes for dinner - this means so much to our clan and is a touchpoint for our days. We usually gather around the table 4 times per week and at a restaurant one other time.
- Take a family vacation with all seven of us! Whew! We're looking at early June...
- Make connections to our extended family with FaceTime, cards, honoring birthdays and big events.
- Celebrate our lives together and individual successes.
- Rest in the routines of our non-traditional schedules, accept what works for us and embrace being a unique family!
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