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Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine's Day - Skip the Dread & Drama

I'm a true romantic.  Valentine's Day has always been a favorite of mine, because it was an excuse to hope, to dream and just to laugh with friends and now my children.  My birthday is nearby, so I think  just always connected the days as fun times to celebrate...not in the purely commercial form, but to genuine be grateful for the love we have in all different ways.

I like to find a friend to whom I can anonymously send a gift.

My children and I enjoy heart-shaped pizza and chocolates. Or dress up regular turkey sandwiches with a heart-shaped cookie-cutter.

Buy some fresh flowers and enjoy them all week long.

We talk about how rich we are in love of family, friends and how completely God loves us.

I like to send crafts/Valentines to our far-away family...but just a heads up, that isn't happening this year. Sorry.

Maybe I'm a fool for Hallmark, but I think I just enjoy looking for little things to celebrate.  It keeps life fun and intentional, in my opinion. 

To my fellow single moms, I say to make the best of this day.  Get together with a girlfriend or treat yourself to a haircut.

I'm not sure that Mr. Wonderful fully understands my genuine appreciation of Valentine's Day.  It's been just over two years since I felt crushed by his concerns about the possibility of our future. That year, I felt like I really put myself out there by making his favorite cookies and delivering them in person on Valentine's Day.  Soon after I received my favorite gift ever from him.  To say I was surprised is an understatement.

This year, be intentional about showing love to someone else: your children, family, a friend and even those you cross paths with each day.  In marriage or singleness we can be disappointed when our holiday expectations or hopes are met.  Take the initiative to make Valentine's Day meaningful this year.  Valentine didn't celebrate romantic, erotic love, he championed true God-love that was sacrificial and demonstrative.  How can you add to that legacy this year?

My own Valentine Tradition

Surviving Valentines Day

Hope for the Hurting, Separated or Divorced Woman on Valentine's Day

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