Cutest Blog Layout

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Good Friday is a solemn and sacred day for the Christian, and I'm grateful to be provided with a day away from work and out of the normal schedule.  It's so easy to let the demands of life steal my focus from the reasons for life.  It is enough for me to love and be love, to believe deeply in Jesus Christ and rely on His forgiveness.  It is my mission to relay this to my family and others in my life.  I recognize that my thoughts aren't shared by everyone, but I want them to have no doubt that where my faith is founded.  I will spend this day in prayer and contemplation.  In the busy days of mothering, working, and general living, I don't take time to nurture time with Christ, as I would like.  I will have time on this day and will use it for such.

As solemn as is Good Friday, and the dark/silent Saturday, Easter Sunday is a celebration.  It is the day Christians set aside to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.  In His death we acknowledge that He paid the price for our wrongs, in His resurrection we recognize His power to overcome.

I've invited a co-worker from another culture to join our family for the Easter service at church.  I'm so pleased he is willing to come "check us out" and learn about what is important to me.  You see, for me, Easter is so much more than frilly dresses and chocolate eggs.  It is the central component to my faith.  I'm not afraid to talk about my thoughts, but never want to force others to listen, so if you ever have any questions, please ask.

Do you celebrate Easter?  Do you consider it a spiritual or cultural day?

(Other thoughts about Easter and Prayer)

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