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Friday, September 1, 2017

Storms of Life

Like most of the nation, I've been watching the unfolding story of the flooding in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.  It's so sad and seems unreal.  I know many of us are looking for ways to help.  

But I am also reminded of the fact that storms come.  Into every life events happen that shake up the norm and usher in a new climate.  Sometimes we see the storms on the horizon, and other times we are blindsided by the unpredictability of disaster.  When you are between storms, you can be sure the winds and water will come again.  During the storm is when our faith becomes real and active.  That's when faith has the most power.

In the storm, you have the ability to parent well and to become the stable protection that your children need.  Mothering in the storm is what will give you purpose and vision to continue during the most challenging days.  

And when the storm passes, you will be able to survey the damage and the loss.  It's real and it's necessary to grieve.  Then a new life will begin as you rebuild after the storm.  There may always be "Before" and "After."  There may always be watermarks on your soul.  There will be new beginnings and life may be forever rearranged.

I'm in a season of fair weather.  It's easy to forget the things I learned in the storms, yet lessons learned there are the life rafts that kept me floating.  I can't help but think of the little girl in the news this week who was saved when her own mother literally became her life raft.  Every mother I know would do the same for her child, and in that I find comfort.  I can look back in the storms of my own life and mark the life rafts that kept me afloat. 

Storm: Broken Engagement
Life Raft: God's timing is better.

Storm: Miscarriages and Infertility
Life Raft: God is good, no matter what.

Storm: Difficult Marriage
Life Raft: God will provide, He is enough.

Storm: Infidelity
Life Raft: Your name is Faithful and True.

Storm: Divorce
Life Raft: God accepts me with my flaws.

Storm: Financial Difficulty
Life Raft: God is providing before I even know my need.

Storm: Loneliness
Life Raft: God is enough and when I reach out, others reach back.

What storms do you face, literal or figurative?

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