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Monday, July 30, 2012

Moody Monday - This is It!

It's our last week of summer vacation before school begins one week from today.  I am in deep mourning over the coming of early mornings.  Ugh!  I was reading in my journal from this time last year and we had a rough transition into second grade and kindergarten.  I hope this year happens more smoothly.  I pray that it does!  The one benefit will be that the children will all go in different directions throughout the day which usually results in less bickering and more fun play time when we gather back together. 

That means this week I'll be loading up on school supplies.  Our list doesn't look to bad, but the checking account does.  Mmmm.  I would so much rather buy something cute that twenty-bazillion glue sticks and spiral notebooks in the proper color.  Have the notebooks always needed to be colored properly?  I don't remember this and shirk and the new development.

We went on a little trip this weekend and my parents returned with us.  Yes, we're enjoying all the family fun ... for the most part.  In between, we've been soaking up the Olympics.  For me, the summer Olympics will forever conjure up memories with my sister as we crossed the country with my grandparents.  We watched those ladies gymnastics with adoration and genuinely believed that with enough practice we could win the gold!  Neither of us has taken a gymnastics class in our entire lives.  Nevertheless, we cartwheeled and tumbled our way though hotels and family friends homes all the while driving our Papa crazy (I'm sure!).  I still get excited whenever they interview Bela Karoli.  I can't understand much of what he says, and he scares me a little - but I like it!  I think he could get my abs looking a little less like a throw pillow and for that he is my wannabe hero.

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