Here is just a slice of daily life as a single mom. Our life and schedule are about to change with the arrival of the school year and soccer season.
Loads of laundry per day: 1-2
Loads of dishes per day: 1
Times per
day I check my email: 5+
Times I look at Facebook: 3+
Times I schedule to workout during the week:
How often I get to workout: usually 6
Kitchen floor swept per week: 3
Floors vacuumed: 3 times
Furniture dusted: every other week
Bathrooms cleaned: Once for full cleaning, wiped down at least every other day (boys)
Sheets washed: Four sets, every other week
Cups of coffee per day: 1
Sonic Cokes per Week: 4
Days I wash my hair per week: 3
Gallons of milk we go through in a week: 3
Times I
went to Kroger this week: 2
Hours spent on video games: WAY too many!
Number of times a child has been disciplined or in Time Out: at least 14
Number of times I've needed a time out: No less than six
Number of days till school starts: 5
Number of
times we ate dinner at home last week: 3 (we were out of town)
Does the arrival of school change your life?
Only one cup of coffee?!? It takes one cup to wake me up, one travel mug to get me to work, 2 to get me through the morning, 2 to get me through the afternoon, and then 1 cup of decaf after dinner to get me through the evening!