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Monday, June 17, 2013

Moody Monday

I had a lovely weekend, just lovely!  I missed my father terribly and wished I could have spent time with him.  I hope he knows just how much I admire and love him.  It's been a rough season for him the past couple of years and I think he forgets what a great Dad, Papa, person he is!  I was thinking about how the things our parents say create the internal 'soundtrack' that we play to ourselves throughout our lives.  My father never let me forget how great he thought I was, how smart, how pretty and special I was to him.  I notice Mr. Wonderful speaks the same way to his girls (even thought they sometimes blow it off) it's one of the reasons I love him. 
Speaking of Mr. Wonderful, he purchased a new suit for our big day ... my he looked handsome!  I've never seen him in a suit before.  Our culture just doesn't provide that many reasons to get dressed up.  Life it very informal.  I like it kind of fancy sometimes!

I'm getting very excited for our wedding day!  It's going to be so fun to have all our family and friends in the same place.  The bridesmaids (my sister and future step daughters) are all fitted and the dresses under alteration.  The wedding plan is coming together and Mr. Wonderful is giddy about the roles he gets to play.  The end feels in sight...I'm trying not to wish away these final weeks as a single mother to my three.  We've enjoyed carefree summer fun and too many late nights.  They seem happy and secure, looking forward to our future as a larger family. 

It's a good season of life.  I'm grateful, for a sense there will be many challenges ahead! 

There are three stages in the work of God: impossible, difficult,done  - Hudson Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Hi...this is louisa....
    So happy to know that major and lovely happiness has found and your children and your fiance and his children...are so blessed....
