Along with divorce comes change to all the family traditions. The holidays hightlight that change because we have such emotional investments in the memories, repitition and quite frankly expectations that are higher than they should be. Last year was my first season as a divorced woman and Thanksgiving was great as we traveled to be with family. It was filled memories and fun along with lots of togetherness for me and my children. The time leading up to Christmas was extremely difficult and Christmas morning without your children can only be described as dismal.
So, in my second holiday season of my new life, the holidays are flip-flopped and the children will be with Daddy for Thanksgiving and with me on Christmas morning. Once again, I will try a new way of doing things. My parents are great, and so supportive and will be here to spend Thanksgiving with me. It will be a child-free day but knowing the children return on Friday morning means I won't feel too deprived.
This year I am so very aware and thankful for my faith. My confidence in the Lord is not something I could have conjured up, it is clearly a gift from Himself that I am able to trust and move forward when from human perspective all is lost, broken and failed. I feel like I'm more aware than ever that doubt is not a negative thing because it actaully forces and requires me to act and accept faith. If my path and answers were clear, no faith would be required to act. So, when I don't understand, when I am full of questions, when life simply does not make sense or seem to be part of a plan that could honor God, these are times when I must activate the faith he placed within and move forward in action knowing things are not what they seem.
Ah, so much more to write on this subject which is close to my heart right now. Also, more thankfulnesses to write. Tomorrow I'll share about the material things for which I am most grateful right now! What about you? What spiritual or God-attributes cause you to pause and thank Him today?
HI! It's been so long! We I will have Caleb for Thanksgiving, but, he will be with his dad on Christmas :( I still don't know how I am going to coupe...only by HIS grace and mercy
ReplyDeleteAs a single mom, I thank God that he removed the blinders. I am living an authentic life without lies, manipulation, and the pain of a cheating husband! Yes. Holidays are hard, but I celebrate motherhood every day! I refuse to let a date on the calendar have control over our lives... Christmas? This year, Christmas at our house is on December 23rd!