I am so grateful to be a mother. I can't imagine my life without the fun, purpose and motivation that children give me. Yes, there are days where it is just tough but I wouldn't trade having three little lives for anything thing in this whole world. My firstborn has taught me to love and accept others and to love whole-heartedly. My baby shows me how to be tender, tough and oh-so-fun fun all wrapped up in one package. My daughter expresses herself so truthfully and inspires me to be the best woman possible.
This year I am especially aware and thankful for my friendships. I made the effort to reach out and to be intentional about investing in friendships and it has been extremely rewarding! I thank God for providing people to share my life. I'm also thankful for the man in my life. I am so surprised and thrilled to find myself with someone I admire and trust. I know this is a gift and there are so many ways where I see God has gently cleared the path for me to know and be with him. The wonder of it is just amazing to me. It's humbling and more than I knew to request.
My family is an ever-constant source of support and strength. We take the good and the bad and keep sticking together. While I wish very much that we all lived closer together, I'm so grateful for modern technology to keep in touch. Hardly a day goes by that I don't communicate with my family. We don't get to choose family, but if I could, I would still choose them!
Everything isn't great in my life today. My house will have a "For Sale" sign on Monday and I'm not sure what the ramifications are for that. There has been tension between my former spouse and the holidays will always highlight the schism between what I desired and the reality of our lives. Yet, the plusses far outweigh the negatives in my life and I'm so aware of the many gifts God has provided. I pray others have the same sense of His care this Thanksgiving.
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