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Monday, March 5, 2012

Moody Monday: Get Your Spring On!

I conquered a house full of chores this weekend and it feels so good to start the week fresh.  Granted, none of it was extra, clean-out-the-clutter, type of work.  Mostly just catch up on the things which need to be done.  I wore myself out and literally fell asleep between loads of laundry! 

I'm ready to tackle our week, which isn't overly busy, but does contain several goals for our little household: 
  • Complete thank you notes from recent birthday.
  • Wash van  - inside and out (neeeeeeds it!)
  • Sort seasonal clothing
  • Weed garden plots - yes, it's time!
I realize that my Mondays tend to start out well and I look forward to a fresh week and getting things accomplished.  Does anyone have more exciting plans than me?


  1. I am getting my spring on my getting my body back in shape. I started boot camp this morning at 5:30 and now I can barely move. I guess my spring cleaning will have to wait until my muscles are not as sore. Drats. : )

  2. I love your Blog Missy, Can't wait to read more! My week? well I've dedicated the last 4 days to blogging, getting my blog up to date and actually finding other blogs of interest and starting to comment! My son is 17 on Friday, I can't believe it! I must be older than I feel!
    He's not vegan so I have bought him the gigantic Choc cake he wanted and I hope he will actually stick around long enough to let us share some precious moments with him!
    I've actually recently really got on top of things, and for the 1st time in a VERY long time, actually feel organised enough to dedicate time to my blog and others! It feels good so I hope you enjoy a week of accomplishments!

  3. I remember that feeling!! I'm about to start my second trimester on Friday, and I'm hoping for the famous "burst of energy" that everyone talks about, since trimester 1 whooped by butt. I have a very long list I've been saving for when the energy comes, and THEN I'll get my spring on.
    Until then, it's movies and books, baby. :-)

  4. I want to weed my flower beds and spruce up outside in the worst way!!! I love outside much better than inside spring cleaning. Yucko!!

  5. I know the feeling. But at the crack of dawn on Mondays, you'll find me trudging to the NYC flower market in search for amazing flowers for my shop.
